Stories vs. Spec Docs

  As any experienced product owner, business analyst, or project manager knows, product definition can be an arduous process. Finalizing product details, prioritizing what needs to be completed, even relaying the specifications to the development team all takes time. The question is, how can all of this be done without compromising timelines? Or worse, having […]

The Market is Primed for Mobile Payments

  When it comes to offering a mobile payment solution to customers, watching and waiting is no longer an option for businesses who hope to remain competitive.   The market is primed for mobile payments. The number of smartphone users will surpass 2 billion in 2016,  and with global mobile payment transaction volume forecasted to […]

We365 app selected as Official Honoree in the 19th Annual Webby Awards

  We’re excited to announce that our work has been recognized by The Webby Awards!   The We365 app we developed for Free The Children has been selected as an Official Honoree in the 19th Annual Webby Awards in the Mobile: Best Visual Design – Function and Mobile: Social categories.   About the Official Honoree […]

Maintaining User Stories & The Difficulties With Change

The Necessity of User Stories In agile scrum software development, we write user stories to capture the requirements of an individual feature within a software project. User stories are an effective way of capturing the necessary functionality of an entire product.   Typically, stories should follow the format of “As a <role>, I would like […]

Better QA: Server and App Promotion Process

  When you are providing a live service to active users, it is dangerous to update production without a safe process.  Having a well laid out and process that is closely followed will help ensure your users are not disturbed by any updates you make.   Here is the process we use for websites and […]

Better QA: Linear vs. Integrated QA

Effects of the Linear QA Process Everybody’s been there. You’re working on an important project with a stringent deadline. You’ve hit a few snags along the way, but it looks like you’ll deliver on time. Just one week left to devote to finding and fixing bugs.   But then things start going badly. All mistakes, […]

Better QA: Testing on Android – Accounting for Device Differences

  With the proliferation of many different types of mobile devices – from various smartphones to tablets, to phablets – one significant challenge faced by developers is ensuring that their applications function correctly across all of them. To achieve this goal, app developers and their QA teams need to account for the many shapes, sizes, […]

Better QA: Using Automated Testing For Mobile

What is Automated Testing? As teams seek to deliver better products and increase internal efficiencies, automated testing is often an option that is tabled. As the name suggests, automated testing is the process of using a program to test websites, applications, and even other programs.   Automated testing is useful to QA teams because it […]

Better QA: The Benefits of Using A Build Machine

What is a Build Machine? Every build that quality assurance tests should be built from the same computer.  When your product is ultimately ready for distribution, the build machine is the machine that will be used to build the release version of the app. In this post, I will be referring to a build machine […]

Better QA: Why Issue Report Quality is Important

  Regardless of project planning and preparation, bugs find their way into the code. This is an inevitability, and it’s why QA exists in the first place.   Fixing these bugs can be a very difficult process for a number of reasons, including the volume of the issues, their complexity, and more. But the pain […]